Fiery, but Mostly Peaceful
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I am a patriotic mother who has a passion for researching and a knack for writing. I’m a pragmatic Constitutional Conservative, and this space is my nexus for the exchange and gathering of knowledge and information abput current events, from both sides of the aisle, in order to get you the facts so we can be an informed citizenry.
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Don't know if y'all know who Jeff Younger is, but he subscribed to my substack, and I think it is super neat-o!!!

He is a father of two boys in Carrollton, Texas, with a psychotic, seemingly sociopathic ex wife who started transing his younger son when they split [or maybe she started before they split, I don't recall which], despite his son's protests. Scarily, she was a pediatrician, if I remember it would be likely that she would potentially be doing this to other folks children too.

Mr. Younger fought the pro-gender-bender government every single step of the way, and they have tried to destroy him as a human, castrate him as a father, and always seems to get royally screwed over constantly when he's merely trying to do right by his boys.

I haven't heard any updates on the status of his children for a while, but last I heard, the boys were given to their mom permanently, and Jeff had supervised visitations that they were working to eliminate because he wouldn't force his son to wear girl's clothes or propagate the notion that his son was a daughter.

I feel honored that a man who I admire for his strength, willpower, and unconditional love for his sons, which has powered his drive to save his younger son from the influence of the alphabet mafia.

I think he's been given the short end of the stick and pray for him, and for his boys to be free of their woke mother one day, sooner rather than later. None of them deserve to be going through this, especially not his poor boys. Thank the Lord the kids have one another, and hopefully the older one can help the younger Younger always remember who he really is...not who his woke mom wants him to be.

The story of Younger and his sons is such a heart-wrenching one. My heart aches for this man. He does everything right by his children, and gets shit on every single step of the way, yet he persists. THAT is a real man and a magnificent dad, whose kids clearly mean more to him than ANYTHING else on God's green earth.

If you can, please say a prayer for the Younger boys and Jeff. They certainly can't get enough of them...anyhow, I thought it was pretty darn cool that he subscribed to my substack. I wonder what article he read that made him want to follow me. 🤔 Not that it makes a difference, but it would be interesting to know.

God bless Mr Younger and his two sons...please protect and watch over them, and give his younger the strength to overcome the alphabet mafia indoctrination his mother has been forcing him to endure...and please give his older son the fortitude to help his little brother keep his masculinity...and please give Mr Younger the courage and durability to continue fighting for his kids and never ever give up. Amen.

If you would like to check out my substack, click the link below:

UPDATE: He liked my tweet about this and said of course he subscribed cuz I'm awesome! Super freaking cool, not gonna lie. 😎

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The Dems Want You To STOP Believing Your Lying Eyes

If these are "deepfakes" then I'm a monkey's uncle! Hahahahaha! I WISH they were deepfakes and that our president wasn't a walking gaffe factory! 😅😂😂😂

Cringe Jean-Pierre is a genuinely fantastic liar. I have no clue how she has such an easy time delivering her binder of lies to the American people. I truly miss the days of Kayleigh McEneny with her well-stocked truths binder that she used daily to dismantle the utterances of the despicable lying Lefties.

Don't believe your lying eyes, folks!

Obummer needing to take Biden's hand in his and lead him offstage the other day must've been a trick of the light!

Biden freezing with his hand extended to shake the air's hand? Deepfake!

If you've seen Biden pop a squat like he was taking a poop with a blank expression on his face before stiffy being escorted away before shaking the hands of WWII veterans, at a D-Day event, leaving France's Macron to swiftly run around and shake all their hands with an apologetic expression? Deepfake, y'all!


💭Random Ruminations💭

Resident Biden was caught saying something bizarre to French President Macron, on a hot mic, at the recent D-Day event.

While he walked into the ceremony with Macron and their First Ladies, he can be heard on video saying, “My advance team said I gotta leave, be the first one to leave, because I hold people up.”

Macron did not respond, continued heading toward the event, and then was left to run around shaking the WWII veterans hands after Sleepy Joe and DOCTOR Jill swiftly took off under rather strange circumstances.

Directly before he was whisked away by his wife, Biden stiffly appeared to pop a geriatric squat as though he was having the issues similar to those of a non-potty-trained toddler.

Apparently, it was, in fact, the plan the whole time to leave the visibly shocked French President to do the American President's duty to run around greeting and shaking the hands of the brave American soldiers who fought the Nazis on D-Day.

Silly us! Here, we thought it was due to an all-to-common ...

This Damon Imani video will make you laugh

BAHAHAHAHA this Damon Imani video is absolutely hilarious 😂
#LaughMore #LaughterRX #LaughLestWeCry #Clownworld


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Happy Wednesday, y'al! Hope everyone has been having a halfway decent to fabulous day!

It's been a great day hanging out with my son while he was sick at home! We had a Harry Potter magical movie marathon day!

God bless y'all beautiful people! Keep moving forward! Nothing changes if nothing changes! You are so much more capable of greatness than you know! Much love to you all! ❤️

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Oh my wow. Any way you twist it—this is not healthy and it's not good for the individual or the society. Despite what places such as Cosmopolitan magazine, which not too long ago literally featured morbidly obese cover models with the caption, "this is HEALTHY," has to say about it!

This is NOT healthy. It is NOT a lifestyle that is going provide longevity for any of them. It is NOT going to make anything in life easier, but a ton of things will be harder! It is NOT a lifestyle to put up upon a pedestal and praise as something good. It is NOT good to be morbidly obese. Period. It's in the name.

I don't know, with all the microplastics, phalates, and various other chemicals regularly used in foods, and all the unhealthy cheap food options available, HOW people CAN get back to being fit and eating healthy as a society.

Is it too late? Are we going to end up like the people in Wall-E? Gosh, I hope not!

It starts with YOU! Start by taking a 10-minute walk every day. Maybe start a 30-day squat...

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