Fiery, but Mostly Peaceful
Politics • Writing • Culture
I am a patriotic mother who has a passion for researching and a knack for writing. I’m a pragmatic Constitutional Conservative, and this space is my nexus for the exchange and gathering of knowledge and information abput current events, from both sides of the aisle, in order to get you the facts so we can be an informed citizenry.
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💭Random Ruminations💭

Resident Biden was caught saying something bizarre to French President Macron, on a hot mic, at the recent D-Day event.

While he walked into the ceremony with Macron and their First Ladies, he can be heard on video saying, “My advance team said I gotta leave, be the first one to leave, because I hold people up.”

Macron did not respond, continued heading toward the event, and then was left to run around shaking the WWII veterans hands after Sleepy Joe and DOCTOR Jill swiftly took off under rather strange circumstances.

Directly before he was whisked away by his wife, Biden stiffly appeared to pop a geriatric squat as though he was having the issues similar to those of a non-potty-trained toddler.

Apparently, it was, in fact, the plan the whole time to leave the visibly shocked French President to do the American President's duty to run around greeting and shaking the hands of the brave American soldiers who fought the Nazis on D-Day.

Silly us! Here, we thought it was due to an all-to-common messy combination of incontinence and incompetence!

We should've known better, and assumed he actually planned to stick his nose up in the air and stiff the American veterans of their opportunity to be rewarded for their valiant service to our nation and the world, and briefly chat with and shake the hand of the Commander in Chief!

#SleepyJoe is such an embarrassment as the leader of the free world. The media can't pull the #DontBelieveYourEyes card for very much longer...if you watch ANY contemporary video of #DementiaJoe, it has become absolutely impossible to miss his rapid decline of his cognitive faculties. Instead, they'll insist it is actually President Trump who is showing signs of dementia [because they genuinely believe that we are THAT stupid].

From Biden reading aloud cues on the teleprompter such as, "repeat the line," to wandering around lost, to his stiffening gait, to forgetting that a deceased person, of whom he called the family of to offer his condolences to, was dead, to his constant babbling incoherently and droning off, to repeatedly mistaking the Ukraine war for the Iraq war—the man is mentally unwell and clearly exhibiting the signs and symptoms of an elderly man suffering from dementia.

On the bright side—the absurdity of the members of the media, the Biden Administration, and the Congress who are unable to be honest about the mental state of either Biden or Trump has reached such an insufferable point that it is causing Normies across the country to wake up to being out-and-out lied to.
#Trump2024 #RantOver #RandomRuminations

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The Dems Want You To STOP Believing Your Lying Eyes

If these are "deepfakes" then I'm a monkey's uncle! Hahahahaha! I WISH they were deepfakes and that our president wasn't a walking gaffe factory! 😅😂😂😂

Cringe Jean-Pierre is a genuinely fantastic liar. I have no clue how she has such an easy time delivering her binder of lies to the American people. I truly miss the days of Kayleigh McEneny with her well-stocked truths binder that she used daily to dismantle the utterances of the despicable lying Lefties.

Don't believe your lying eyes, folks!

Obummer needing to take Biden's hand in his and lead him offstage the other day must've been a trick of the light!

Biden freezing with his hand extended to shake the air's hand? Deepfake!

If you've seen Biden pop a squat like he was taking a poop with a blank expression on his face before stiffy being escorted away before shaking the hands of WWII veterans, at a D-Day event, leaving France's Macron to swiftly run around and shake all their hands with an apologetic expression? Deepfake, y'all!


This Damon Imani video will make you laugh

BAHAHAHAHA this Damon Imani video is absolutely hilarious 😂
#LaughMore #LaughterRX #LaughLestWeCry #Clownworld

Biden is Falling Apart And Dems Are Still Ass-Kissing

So, I'm officially on Truth Social now [follow me @FierySara], and someone said, "Biden will mop the floor with Trump, just like last time." 🙄🤔😒

Shoot, I doubt Resident Biden has enough of his cognitive faculties left to even literally mop a floor let alone figuratively mop the floor with a debate opponent...😅😂😂

Anyone who thinks otherwise is either lying through their teeth or obviously mentally deficient, so their petty insults are incapable of holding any weight whatsoever 😂😂 these people are absolutely ludicrous. 💯
#ResidentBiden #ClownWorld


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Don't know if y'all know who Jeff Younger is, but he subscribed to my substack, and I think it is super neat-o!!!

He is a father of two boys in Carrollton, Texas, with a psychotic, seemingly sociopathic ex wife who started transing his younger son when they split [or maybe she started before they split, I don't recall which], despite his son's protests. Scarily, she was a pediatrician, if I remember it would be likely that she would potentially be doing this to other folks children too.

Mr. Younger fought the pro-gender-bender government every single step of the way, and they have tried to destroy him as a human, castrate him as a father, and always seems to get royally screwed over constantly when he's merely trying to do right by his boys.

I haven't heard any updates on the status of his children for a while, but last I heard, the boys were given to their mom permanently, and Jeff had supervised visitations that they were working to eliminate because he wouldn't force his son to wear ...

Happy Wednesday, y'al! Hope everyone has been having a halfway decent to fabulous day!

It's been a great day hanging out with my son while he was sick at home! We had a Harry Potter magical movie marathon day!

God bless y'all beautiful people! Keep moving forward! Nothing changes if nothing changes! You are so much more capable of greatness than you know! Much love to you all! ❤️

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